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Summer Camp 2020: Generation to Generation

Writer: cflcwebcflcweb

Good indeed is the Lord, whose steadfast love endures forever. God's faithfulness continues for all generations. -Psalm 100:5

We have a place for everyone around the campfire! All are welcome here. You are welcome here.

We celebrate, affirm, and value the diversity present in our communities: diversity of ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, faith, belief, ability, age, identity, and any other classification. Sincerely we say, “All are welcome.” YOU are welcome here.

Summer Camp is a place that supports new experiences, close friendships, limitless fun, and faith made tangible. Campers engage in daily worship and Bible study, plus a wide range of activities. They’ll get to swim, canoe, fish, creekwalk, play small and large group games, hike, cook over a campfire, create crafts, and so much more! Each week, chaplains from supporting congregations join us in leading the campers in morning worship, Bible study, and campfire & evening devotion.

Caroline Furnace has a mix of small- and large- group camping, which means that each day our campers spend some time as a cabin or activity group, but also do some activities as a whole camp! Our cabin/activity groups stay together for meals, cabin choice (morning activity), and shower time. Everyone on-site comes together for morning worship, afternoon options, evening rec, and campfire. Our out-trip weeks look a bit different but campers still participate in part of the usual camp fun.

Register for Summer Camp by December 10 for a special Christmas gift!

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