You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. My first summer as a camper was five years ago and I haven't stopped coming since. This year, I have been helping with counselor interviews. Even through the Zoom (video conference) calls, I can feel their excitement, nervousness and readiness. I could not help but remember that I was like each one of them, and still am.
A common question I received during interviews was, "What is your favorite thing about camp?" Each time I was asked, I could not pinpoint just one thing, since there is such an abundance of greatness at camp! My answer included the camper relationships, counselor and staff friendships, the lake, the field, worshiping around camp, and of course, mud (the dessert kind!). Camp always provides me, along with many others, a place to grow in my faith and myself. I cannot pick just one thing that I love about camp, but I can list many! -Ashley, Summer Staff 2017-19, Camper 2014-16