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Quiet Day - Take a 2nd With Us

Writer: cflcwebcflcweb

O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it. Psalm 139 1-6 Take a 2nd with us. 10am to 2pm today (May 2nd) will be dedicated to calming, quieting, centering reflection in the forests and fields of Caroline Furnace. Although some of you will be unable to join us physically, we still encourage you to take part of your 2nd for quiet reflection and renewal. You are invited to use the reading above to practice Lectio divina, which means "divine reading." In Lectio divina, we read the Bible with reverence and openness to what the Spirit is saying to us in the present moment. When we approach the Word of God as a word spoken directly to us, God's presence and will can be made known. The practice of Lectio divina presents occasions when your story and God's story meet, and can reveal new meaning through the living word. Lectio divina has four basic movements: Lectio (Reading), Meditatio (Meditation), Oratio (Prayer), Contemplatio (Contemplation) These don't need to come in any certain order, but can flow in and from one another as the Spirit moves. Lectio - Remove distractions and get in a comfortable position. Settle your mind and heart into an attitude of interior silence. Read the text slowly, gently. Notice any words or phrases that speak to you today. Meditatio - Take the word or phrase that has been given to you, memorize it, and repeat it several times. "Chew" on the word or phrase. Let any thoughts, memories or ideas about the word or phrase come to you and become part of your dialogue with God. Oratio - Speak to God. Tell God what the word or phrase has stirred up in you and give it over to God. Let God bless you through the word or phrase. Let God transform you through the word or phrase and the ideas it has sparked within you. Give to God what you have found in your heart. Contemplatio - Rest in God's embrace. Take time to be still. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Our next scheduled Quiet Days are October 2nd and December 2nd. We would like to take a 2nd with you each month, though, so be on the lookout for an email on June 2nd!

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