This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Isn't it so cool that God made today and all of creation, is always with us and just loves us so very much?! It most definitely is! This is why "This is the day" is one of my absolute favorite songs that we sing at camp! This verse takes me home to Caroline Furnace because it is so easy to apply at camp. Camp is an intentional Christian community, so it is easier to take the time to stop and thank God daily - maybe even several times a day!
At camp, there are many opportunities for counselors and campers to have intentional time with God. For campers, we have Bible study once a day and worship twice a day. We also have devotional time every night. Counselors have a special time set aside called TAG (Time Alone with God), where they have the opportunity to take a break from all of the craziness of the day to thank and seek comfort in God. However, once we are back in the real world it is easy to get wrapped up in the stresses of life and forget to stop and thank God for all that God has done and continues to do. I challenge you in this new year to stop, breathe, and thank God for all that God has done for you. I hope that your Christmas was wonderful and you have a very happy New Year! *Pastors, you can reach Caroline at worship@carolinefurnace.org to plan your week as a Chaplain. It is sure to be a week of fun, renewal, and faith sharing out in God's beautiful creation. You'll get good food and a comfy bed. (Did you know that the Farmhouse has real beds and better air conditioning now?!) Best of all, this is a valuable opportunity to connect with campers from your church in a meaningful, lasting way. Many of our campers share camp stories, jokes, and songs with their families all year long! We would love to have your help in Transforming Community this summer!