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Galatians 5:6 Takes Me Home


"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself though love." Galatians 5:6

For me, this verse perfectly describes camp. It is a place and a space where people come together and share in fellowship and the love of the Lord. It's that very love that pours out all around us, allowing us to love and support each other, uplift each other in the Spirit, and to point each other to Christ. It is through faith that we commit to this beautiful ministry. And through the ministry, we grow in faith through fellowship with one another and with the Lord.

Most importantly, we are allowed the opportunity and the gift of pouring the love of God out for all of the campers that we are able to spend our summer with. For me, this is the most valuable aspect of my time at camp! There is no better way to express such life-altering faith than sharing the love of the Lord with the precious hearts that grace our property each and every summer.


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