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Voyagers: Entering Grades 4-6

​This age group stays in our Cabin Village for a week full of games, worship, campfire, swimming, arts and crafts, creekwalking, small group Bible study, and more. We offer specialty camps for campers who are especially excited about an activity. These camps have scheduled activities and skills progression throughout the week in addition to the meaningful experiences that all campers share.


 Voyagers Camp

Week One | July 6-11
Week Three
 | July 20-25
Week Four | July 27-Aug 1


​Get ready for an exciting week of all the fun that camp has to offer! Group will explore camp together, jumping right into our favorite activities: lake, low ropes, crafting, campfire, Bible study, games, and more. You can look forward to an abundance of faith, fun, and lifelong friendships during this week of camp. The group of campers and counselors decide together what they would like to do each day. 

Hydro Voyagers Camp

Week One | July 6-11

This age group stays in our Cabin Village for a week full of canoeing, creek walks, and playing some games at the lake.  Campers will also enjoy our Community Development Course, crafting, campfire, Bible study, games, and more. Campers will get to spend one evening cooking out!

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Voyagers Culinary Camp

Week Two | July 13-18

Food is an exciting part of our culture, both here at camp and throughout the world. In addition to the usual camp fun, Culinary Campers will learn the basics of cooking, baking, and preparing food! Campers will get to spend one evening cooking out!

Voyagers Horse Camp

Week Two | July 13-18
Week Five | August 3-8


Voyagers Horse Campers will spend 1 half-day with horses.  Also, a week full of games, worship, campfire, swimming, arts and crafts, creek walking, small group Bible study, and more. Campers will get to spend one evening cooking out!

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Voyagers Hammock Camp

Weeks 4 | July 27-August 1

Campers will get to create their own hammock village in the Cabin Village. Hammockers will get the chance to enjoy a night out in their hammocks. The schedule allows for morning downtime, full of hammock parties, friendship bracelets, card games, and more! Campers will get to spend one evening cooking out!

Voyagers Acoustic Camp

Week 5 | August 3-8

In addition to the usual camp fun, each morning campers will get to learn about different acoustic instruments.  Some include guitar, ukulele, drums, piano, and more! If you have your own instrument, bring it! Campers will help lead worship for Thursday night chapel! Campers will get to spend one evening cooking out!

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