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Unforgettable Experiences - Faith, Education, Renewal
May 3, 2021
DIY Quiet Day: Let's Take a 2nd
Welcome to Quiet Day! If you are at Caroline Furnace: You are welcome to spend as long as you like today in prayer, meditation, and solitude
Mar 31, 2021
DIY Quiet Day: Let's Take a 2nd
Join us for a DIY Quiet Day on April 2nd (Good Friday). If you are at Caroline Furnace: You are welcome to spend as long as you like...
Sep 1, 2020
Quiet Day Guide, September 2nd
Quiet Day Guide, September 2nd: As many children, students, parents, teachers, support staff, and administrators return to school, we celebr
Jul 1, 2020
DIY Quiet Day: The Blessed Trinity
Together, we celebrate 50 years of Lutheran women being ordained in the United States, 40 years of women of color being ordained, and 10
Jun 1, 2020
Welcome to Quiet Day!
If you are at Caroline Furnace: You are welcome to spend as long as you like today in prayer, meditation, and solitude. We invite you to...
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